Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Rollei RLS low speed developer

Rollei RLS is a deep layer film developer which renders finer grain and improved highlight tonality when compared to standard-type film developers. As with other products of this type, there is some loss of film speed required to gain the improved quality negative. Supplied as a liquid concentrate. Dilute 1+4 to make working solution. |
Film research - rollei pan 25
Outstanding resolution, sharpness and edge contrast.The ROLLEI PAN 25 is a panchromatic sensitised black & white film with low speed ISO 25/15°. Besides the excellent fine-grain this film has a very good resolving power and a high edge sharpness. The ROLLEI PAN 25 is characterised by a high sensitivity reserve of one f- stop, depending upon development. The thin-section document-emulsion is poured onto a highly transparent base and offers an extraordinary sharpness, with finest grain.
The ROLLEI PAN 25 achieves highest image quality with using very large scales of magnification. The glass-clear material of the PET support makes the material suitable for use as B+W slide film.
- panchromatic sensitised with low speed ISO 25/15; - special coating for an improvement of the transport properties of the cameras; - suitable for daylight and tungsten; - polyester base support guarantees the highest level of archive stability (LE 500); - spectral sensitization 400 – 650nm; - very fine grain and high sharpness as a base for negatives with an excellent quality; - with “non-curling” backside coating to improve flatness; - especially suited for digital application for scanner;
Film base:
Layer - emulsion side: - back: Exposure index :
Caracteristic diagram:
35mm and rollfilm polyester, 100μm, crystal clear
emulsion coating, antihalation coating NC “non-curling“ coating ISO 25/15°
It is recommend not to leave the film material exposed into direct sunlight, strong heat or relative high humidity. - unexposed film: Up to 24 months in cold storage by 8° C is recommend - exposed film: After exposure, please keep film in cold condition, processing as soon as possible is recommend
The ROLLEI PAN 25 must be processed in complete darkness. It can be developed succesfully in all standard. developers such as AGFA, ILFORD, KODAK, LABOR PARTNER or TETENAL. To achieve optimal results, a test development is recommended in order to obtain the correct development times and temperatures. By using other developers - not tested by MACO - decreases of quality can be expected showing rough grain structures and low sensitivity.
Highly recommended are the following developers: Application Developer Pictorial use, standard ROLLEI RHS Pictorial use, extremly fine grain unsurpassed tonal range ROLLEI RLS
The development time chart can be found in the internet under www.rollei.com.
Film research - rollei ortho 25
Extremely high resolving power, suited for general graphic purposesThe ROLLEI ORTHO 25 is a technical, steeply working monochrome photographic film with a nominal sensitivity of ISO 25/15°. The ROLLEI ORTHO 25 is characterized by a high sensitivity reserve of up to two f-stops, depending upon development. The document emulsion offers offers an extraordinary sharpness extreme fine grain. The ROLLEI ORTHO 25 is suitable very well for technical-scientific applications and as a half-tone film in the pictorial photography. The highly clear transparent PET substrate opens the possibility of application as b&w slide film also.
Technical – scientific application
For reproductions, radiographic reproductions, astro photography, black-and-white and blue slide, for graphic distancing. Particularly for this application we recommend the LP-DOCUFINE HC developer (1+5, 3-5 min.).
Half-tone film in the pictorial photography
With highest requirements in terms of sharpness and extreme fine grain, the ROLLEI ORTHO 25 offers excellent results in combination with the fine grain balance developer ROLLEI HIGH SPEED (LP SUPERGRAIN). The ROLLEI ORTHO 25 in combination with the ROLLEI LOW SPEED developer, has an legendary call of CONTRAST which b&w developers can compile. The results remind of qualities obtained by the famous Technical Pan film. The comparable steep gradation is bent by this special developer. Extreme fine grain structures and highest sharpness connected with detailled gray tones, can be reached in such a way.
The ORTHO 25 in combination with the ROLLEI LOW CONTRAST developer has compiled itself a legendary call. These results remind of the quality of technical pan-Filme. The comparatively steep gradation is bent by this special developer. Extreme fine graininess and highest sharpness connected with detailled grey tones are reached in such a way.
- orthochromatic sensitised with low speed ISO 25/15; - spectral sensitvity 380 – 610nm; - special coating for an improvement of the transport properties of the cameras; - suitable for daylight and tungsten; - polyester base support guarantees the highest level of archive stability (LE 500); - excellent resolving power of 330 lines/mm - extreme fine grain and highest sharpness, as a base for negatives with an excellent qualityh; - with “non-curling” backside coating to improve flatness; - especially suited for digital application for scanner;
Film base: Layer - emulsion side: - back: Exposure index :
Characteristic diagram:
35mm and rollfilm polyester, 100μm, crystal clear; sheet film, 175μm, crystal clear
emulsion coating orthocromatic sensitized, antihalation coating NC “non-curling“ coating ISO 25/15°
It is recommend not to leave the film material exposed into direct sunlight, strong heat or relative high humidity. - unexposed film: Up to 24 months in cold storage by 8°C is recommend - exposed film: After exposure, please keep film in cold condition, processing as soon as possible is recommend
The ROLLEI ORTHO 25 needs strong chemistry, because the silver content of about 9g/m2 is very fastidious in relation to processing chemistry.
Highly recommended are the following developers: Application Pictorial use for high contrasts
The development time chart can be found in the internet under www.rollei.com.
Christoph Morlinghaus
José Javier Serrano (yosigo)
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Fever hospital - Access etc.
I am currently doing a project engaging in 'site and place' and looking further into place and memory. I am looking in particular at abandoned places and have a great deal of interest in the Fever Hospital building. Would it be possible for me to talk to somebody about gaining access to this building in order for me to fulfill this investigation? If needed I can send a copy of my proposal for this body of work that outlines what I set out to achieve.
Thank you very much for your time and I look forward to hearing back from you.
Yours Sincerely,
Concept 2 - Fever Hospital
Former Chest Hospital; Fever Hospital; Wellington Polytechnic Conservatorium of Music140 Alexandra Road |
1918-1920 Masonry and Timber Category II reference 5376 Map 6 Ref 9 & 23 Part of Chest Hospital Heritage Area Town Belt |
Statement of SignificanceThe Fever Hospital, built by the Wellington Hospital Board has historic value for the insight it gives into the treatment of infectious diseases in the 1920s, since its planning, and architectural features such as sun porches and verandahs attached to wards, are indicative of medical requirements that were current at the time but do not apply today. Several other hospital-related uses and, in recent times, its upgrading for use by the School of Music of the Wellington Polytechnic, have added to its historic interest. There is technical value in the original fabric of the building, significant parts of which remain intact. HistoryThis building was built as a fever hospital, by the Wellington Hospital Board, and it was completed in 1920. It replaced the first fever hospital (1911) which had been converted to a diphtheria ward. The treatment of infectious diseases steadily improved during the latter part of the 19th century. The concept of isolation was well understood by this time and the building of fever hospitals was evidence of a gathering understanding of the need to fight disease. DescriptionThe former Fever Hospital consists of a main administration block with two wings, each with four wards. Verandas and sun porches were built on the north end of the building and at the end of the wings. |
Slideshow 8/3

Bert Teunissen - domestic interiors.

Bill Owens. - Suburbia

Edward Burtynsky
Te Papa Visit - notes
Concept 1